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> December 2018
A Star Wars Podcast: Reylo - A Sequel Trilogy Story (152)
3 Hours of Christmas Music Classics and Holiday Scenery
Sam! Taylor Swift reputation Stadium Tour | Official Trailer | Netflix
A Star Wars Podcast: The Last Jedi 1yr later, more IX leaks!
The Ultimate Gingerbread House And Cookie Guide
President Trump takes part in Wreaths Across America
Jimmy Kimmel Cracks Sexual Joke About Ivanka Trump, Gets Shamed By Some
President Trump Calls Judge Decision To Overturn Obamacare A ‘Great Ruling’
CNN Analyst: Not Sure It's Right Time For Dems To Nominate A White Man?
Trump threatens shutdown in heated meeting with top Democrats
Stupid Version: Lydia Liza and Josiah Lemanski - Baby It's Cold Outside
Michelle Obama is coming to town. Help Jon Justice sell more books
Guy spends $4000 on a giant statue to gives entire town the middle finger
Mueller memos have nothing on Trump
The 'weedification' of America?
Gigantic 'object' spotted towering over Earth from ISS
Is this the title of Star Wars Episode IX?
Tom Cruise Explaining Why Movies Look Like Soap Operas On Your TV
Don Lemon's Trump Hate Goes So Low, Chris Cuomo Calls Him Out On-Air
WATCH: CNN Repeatedly Attacks Trump For Paying Respects To George H.W. Bush
A Star Wars Podcast: New Episode IX leaks! (150)
Princeton students complain about white peers ‘invading’ ‘POC places’
WATCH: Democrat Rep Calls For Death Of GOP Rep's Family, Gets Destroyed
WATCH: Kid Rock To Fox: 'Screw That Joy Behar B****!'