The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Stranded Astronauts Splash Down to Massive Cheers

By rescuing stranded astronauts on the ISS, Elon Musk and President Trump have restored something that America lost under Biden: honor. While Biden allegedly refused to let SpaceX return the astronauts because it would look good for Musk, Trump gave Americans a historical moment to remember that brought many to tears when they saw the Dragon spacecraft splash down in the water. Meanwhile, some on the Left are reacting to Elon by burning and vandalizing Teslas. How “tolearant”…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: There's a couple of things I want to talk about. I want to talk to you about NASA. I don't know if you saw the splashdown yesterday. This happened last night. Go ahead and roll this.


There it is.

VOICE: And we're going to stand by for splashdown located in the Gulf of America. Opposite of Tallahassee, Florida.

GLENN: That's a movie set.

STU: It looks incredible. It looks like it could be the Truman Show.

GLENN: It does.

VOICE: And splashdown. Current time. Back on earth.


GLENN: I don't know what's wrong with me lately. This is so weird. I don't know what's happening to me.

But I see things like this, and I -- I am like, I'm like, getting weepy again all the time.

You know, like I was.

I'm getting weepy again.

I see things like this. And it just moves me.

STU: I feel the same way at Taco Bell. Right?

GLENN: No. That's a movement. That's different. Because that moves me too. In a completely different way.

I see things like that. It's just, so inspiring what we can do!

And especially, when you look at it, what we were doing.

I mean, the moon shot. We decided to go to the moon. We decide that long ago.

And it is the president's job to make sure that everything is moving in that direction.

You don't want to go to the moon and then go to space. Then stop it.

But if you're going to put people in space. You can't just leave them there. No. No.

STU: No?

GLENN: President Biden just left them there.

I don't want it to look bad for me. Maybe everybody will forget they're in space.

Is that the plan?

And he just -- and here's the big, huge government with the big, huge budgets from big, huge Boeing. They said -- and I said, don't send the rocket up.

Do you remember? Don't send that rocket up. Don't do it. It's not going to work. You know, and if it does, good luck coming home in that thing.

And then it docked. We had some problems with it. And don't get back into that thing. There's no way you're returning to earth in that. Don't do it.

Well, they didn't. So Biden just leaves them. And Elon Musk is like, I can go up and get them at any time.

And President Biden says, no. Because he thinks it will look good for Biden. Or for Musk. Not food for Biden. He's just like, leave them alone.

This president, the reason why I think so many people had a problem with Joe Biden. Even if they liked his policies. Some of them.

Even if they say, well, he was a Democrat. And I'm a Democrat. I think the reason why so many people, you know, just jump ship on Biden, was he violated something that is in all of us.

And that's honor. You know, the basic honor. I mean, not like. You know what, I'm a boy.

I mean just like the bare minimum honor of Americans.

We don't leave people behind.

He did it in Afghanistan. And he did it in space. And when you see that, you're like, oh, my gosh. That's not us. What is that?

And I think that's why Biden rubbed so many Democrats the wrong way. They may not be able to vocalize it. But I think that's one of the reasons.

He had no honor in him, at all. I think.

STU: Zero. Zero.

And luckily, the American people were able to success that out, a little bit.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: I do relate to how you feel about watching something like that.

It's fascinating that the entire -- half of the country has at least turned on Elon Musk.

A guy who is doing all these incredible things.

GLENN: He is. You know what it is?

It's the same thing that happened to Nikola Tesla!

Okay. The power structure turned on Nikola Tesla.

The greatest mind of the 20th century.

Makes Edison look like a rookie. Makes him look like me.


And the country turned on him, because of the establishment!

And we're doing the same thing with Elon Musk. What is wrong with us?

STU: Yeah. It's funny. You hear that thing that happened around a lot, on the election. Where Democrats were complaining about why they lost.

They said, what we need is a left-wing Joe Rogan. And as many pointed out, you had one, his name was Joe Rogan. He was supporting Bernie freaking Sanders in 2016.

GLENN: Right. We need somebody -- we need somebody like Elon Musk.

STU: They blew it. Right.

GLENN: You had him! His name was Elon Musk!

STU: You had him. You had a left-wing Elon Musk.

And what was fascinating, Glenn. And this is something we could absolutely prove.

I don't have to speculate on this. When he was left-wing Elon Musk, when he was a guy who was out there, talking about how we're all going to die from climate change.

Which, by the way, he still believes. We were still able to -- to look on in amazement, at the things he was achieving, including Tesla, in its very early stages, which we featured on the CNN Headline News show, a zillion years ago.

GLENN: Right. We actually -- at least conservatives. Let me speak for us.

At least we, the whole time were like, I don't believe in the climate change stuff. That's crazy. But look at what he's doing. Look at how he's doing.

Look at how he is making all of this public. He's not trademarking or patenting anything. He's saying, it should be open for everybody. Take my ideas and build on them. We love that for him.

You know how crazy it is? I still think there's a chance he turns into the Antichrist. Okay?

So I like -- really like him. Might be the Antichrist. We should keep -- remain aware of that. But I like him.

These guys treat him like the Antichrist. And they don't even believe in the Antichrist.

STU: That's true.

GLENN: That's crazy. It's nuts.

STU: And it doesn't make any sense. And now they're going dealership to dealership, and lighting his -- his, you know, Tesla on fire.


This is --

GLENN: That is economic, domestic terrorism. That's what it is.

And Pam Bondi. I'm glad -- yeah. She called it out.

And I'm glad. And I want to see these people prosecuted.

That's economic terrorism. Period.

I don't like the mainstream media. You should arrest me, if I ever just even say, you know what we should do. We should all gather torches.

And we should burn those places to the ground.

No. No. That's terrorism. No!

STU: But it's also, you know, the way the left acts every single time they don't get what they want. Might remind you of George Floyd.

GLENN: Every time. Yeah.

STU: When they were upset about George Floyd. What did they do? Burn down cities. What about Alf and Elf? Not Alf the lovable, huggable alien creature from the --

GLENN: I was going to say. Alf and Elf, what did they do wrong? I mean, who needs a hug?

STU: And not Will Ferrell. I'm talking about the Animal Liberation Front and the Environmental Liberation Front.

GLENN: Horrible.

STU: Terrorist organizations that went around and burned down dealerships of SUVs. Because -- because the environment is so important. Interesting way to approach it.

GLENN: By the way, do you know why SUVs exist?

STU: I do, yes.

GLENN: I just -- I was talking to a liberal friend. Eh.

And --

STU: As close as you could be. Sure.

GLENN: And they were like, these big SUVs. Uh-huh. Do you know why SUVs exist?

Because you didn't like station wagons. You didn't like big, huge sedans. And so you were like, you know, the EPA. They should start regulating those things. And you put that regulation in. You know what wasn't covered? Trucks. So they're like, we'll just build it on the platform of a truck, and call it an SUV. That put the station wagons and the big sedans out. And now you have a bigger vehicle.

That's how stupid you are. As somebody who believes in big government.


Government cannot regulate everything.

It only makes things worse.

STU: Yeah. And we should also add in, when they did those fuel mileage standards. There's two ways to approach it, to hit the standards. One was to convert, a bunch of bigger sedans and stations wagons into SUVs. So you had bigger vehicles on the road.

The other way was to take your cars and make them lighter and smaller. So when those two things collide, guess what happens to people?

Literally, it killed thousands and thousands and thousands of people in car accidents.

GLENN: Who was it? Who was the politician that I saw yesterday. They got rid of their -- huge, lefty. Okay?

Green thing. Got rid of their Tesla, and was proud to be driving like an Excursion. I want two of these things! Like, wow.

That's good. That's good. By the way, before we move on, I've got to just go back to the space thing. Because did you see what one of the astronauts did before they got back to earth? Do we have this audio? Listen to this. Listen to this.

VOICE: What is your life lesson or takeaway from these nine months in space?

VOICE: Well, in answer to your question, I can tell you, honestly, my feeling on all of this goes back to my faith.

It's -- it's bound in my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

He is working out his plan, his purposes, for his glory, throughout awful humanity. And how that plays into our lives is significant and important.

And however that plays out. And I am content. Because I understand that.

I understand that he's at work. In all things. Some things are for the good. Go to he's been chapter 11.

Some things look to be not so good. But it's all working out for his good.

For those that will believe. And that's the answer.

So thanks for asking.

GLENN: That's a scientist, in space! And I didn't see that headline anywhere.

STU: No.

GLENN: And I would like to say, I think that's what happens when you fly on a Boeing. You're like, all right. Jesus, you're there, right?

I mean, I've got to have some perspective. Okay. So if I burn up on reentry, it's going to be good, right?

I mean, that's what he was saying. You know what, my faith. It just tells me, you know, Boeing could kill me.

But I guess it's all going to work out to be the best.

That's pretty much what he was saying there, I think.

STU: That's true. That's true.

I think too, Glenn. Tell me if this has happened with you. As you get older, that sentiment becomes much, much more true.

GLENN: Yes. Perspective.

STU: Things seem so out of control sometimes.

And then when you really put yourself in the mindset, which he was just describing that it's like, yeah. You know what, it's not in my hands. And things happen for these reasons, that I believe in. And they're important. And I can't control all of them.

And I'll do the best I can and get through all of this. It makes life a heck of a lot easier.

I mean, just pragmatically. Outside the faith elements of it. It makes your life better. It just does! Because you don't freak out about every little thing.

I can't tell you how many times. I sit there in church. They're talking about these important concepts.

And, you know, thoughts into your mind of the chaos of the world. And when you think about it that way. You're just like, eh. The chaos of the world. Who cares about the chaos of the world?

GLENN: Well, I care about it.

STU: I care about it, in a totally different way.

GLENN: In a way that it will be interesting to see how it plays out. Yeah. That is.

STU: We talk about that phrase all the time. It's so important to get through your life.

GLENN: But it's so hard to do. I have to tell you, my daughter she just had her real adult career decision to make.

She's in this -- this production. And she has been working on it for months and months and months. With the cast. And she was also just cast in a -- in a movie.

A hallmark movie for Christmas.

STU: Oh, cool.

And so they conflicted. And she didn't know how she was going to work this out.

And some -- I'm going to this place where I used to be in, which is a horrible place where I cannot sleep ever. So I was up at on two o'clock in the morning. And she gets up to get a drink of water. And I said, you okay, honey?

And she said, yeah. And she sat down. And we just started talking.

And she said, it's so hard, Dad.

I just -- I mean, I just -- I mean, what is the right decision?

How do I do this?

And I don't want to do this. Because I'm letting some people down, either way.

And everything.

And, man, it takes so much for a man, at least for me, to just shut up.

Because I was like -- everything in me was like, here's what you do, honey. And that's the worst thing you can do. And so I'm just sitting there going, uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And all the time, I'm thinking, you know what -- and this is what I finally said after she talked. But I was like, just do the right thing. Just do the next right thing. Everything works out. But it's hard, especially when you're young.

Because you think, I have to micromanage. I have to make the right decision, because if I don't, it will play off this way. It will play off this way. You don't know how it will play out.

Just do the right thing.

Whatever it is, just do the next right thing.

And it will work out. And shockingly, not the way you intended. But better than what you thought could be your best outcome.

And I just think that takes a lot of years of trying to force your way, I'm going to make sure it happens this way!

And always failing. I think it just takes a lot of time.

I hope. You happen to be listening. And you haven't gotten this yet. Really, trust Stu. Don't force your way. It doesn't work out. It's never a happen if ending.

STU: You can't control everything. Nor are you supposed to.

GLENN: Right. You're supposed to surrender to the next right thing.

Not to surrender to, oh, he's the -- the Antichrist, whatever. No. Not surrender on those things.

Surrender to the next right thing, and let the consequences happen. Because you'll find, over time, oh, my gosh.

I can't believe how that worked out in -- in my favor or in life's favor for me, and that's what the astronaut was saying.

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