Minnesota Students Save College Professor's Life, Receive Award

Men doing CPR on another man

Photo: Getty Images

Two Minnesota students received awards from the Rice County Sheriff's Officer after they saved a college professor, according to a statement.

Neil Lutsky, a professor at Carleton College, was riding his bike with a group of others south of Dundas when he suddenly fell to the ground and stopped breathing. At the same time, Hunter Conrad was driving in the area looking for possible hunting spots. Conrad, a high school senior at Bethlehem Academy, provided CPR when Lutsky fell. Luke Sargent, a senior at St. Olaf College, was riding his bike with Lutsky at the time and also provided CPR until medics arrived at the scene. The medics later said Conrad and Sargent saved Lutsky's life.

“Being willing to stop and put your training into action and with little sign it was doing anything … you’ve really touched many lives and my life in a way that’s difficult to fathom,” Lutsky said. 

Conrad and Sargent both received the Rice County Sheriff's Office's Citizens Life Saving Award, presented by Sheriff Jesse Thomas, for their efforts. "During that October day, Luke and Hunter both stepped up and used their lifeguarding skills and started CPR on Neil,” Thomas said in a statement. “They continued on until medical personnel and deputies arrived. This gave Neil the chance to get into the hands of medical professionals.”

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