This Is The Most Famous Celebrity From Minnesota

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Celebrities: They're just like us!

In fact, some are more like us than we may realize. Specifically, those who were born or raised in the same place we call home. Who knows, their favorite coffee shop, burger joint or movie theater could be right down the road.

Family Minded created a list of all the most famous celebrities from every state in the U.S., based on where they were born or where they grew up. They named journalist Garrison Keilor as the most famous celeb from the North Star State. Here's what they had to say about him:

Writer, columnist and actor Garrison Keilor was born in Anoka, Minnesota, in 1942. He graduated from the University of Minnesota, where he started his broadcast career on the student-run station, Radio K. Keilor began writing for The New Yorker in 1969 and has been a syndicated columnist for Salon since 2005. He launched A Prairie Home Companion in a small theatre in St. Paul. The variety, music and talk program became one of the most-loved radio shows in America, running until Keilor retired in 2016. Places, history and people (real or fictional) from Minnesota featured heavily on the show. And Keilor's observational humor and storytelling connected with audiences across the country.
Author Garrison Keillor At Book Signing

Photo: Getty Images

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