Scott Baio: Should We Tear Down Clinton Library?

Clinton Presidential Library Because Hillary Praised Former KKK Member?

As seen on Watters' World 

Scott Baio has had enough of the political correctness that in some cases leads to violence.

Some students at the University of Southern California recently criticized as racist the school mascot, the "Trojan" horse named "Traveler." Confederate general Robert E. Lee also had a horse named "Traveller," spelled differently.

Despite the controversy, the horse's rider is Hispanic.

"The country didn't begin the day you were born," Baio reminded on "Watter's World." "Don't try to erase the wonder that that country is. And we're not perfect."

Racial tensions have been especially on edge around the nation after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia turned violent earlier this month, leaving one dead.

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