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TwincitiesWeightloss.com 844-2-FATBURN Nutrimost completely changed my life! At the end of last year I weighed almost 270lbs. I had tried diets and exercise plans in the past, lost weight, but could never keep it off. I decided to do the Nutrimost plan and lost 30lbs! 5mths later, I kept the weight off and lost 5 more pounds just because I completely changed my relationship with food! I have family reunion over the 4th of July week and I want to be 220lbs when I see my family. I am starting another round of Nutrimost and I want you to join me. Go to TwincitiesWeightloss.com or call 844-2-FATBURN schedule visit, join the program and see if you can lose more weight than I do before July 1st! Right now I weigh 233lbs, I need to lose 13lbs meet my goal, but according to studies I should weigh 190lbs. Join me and lets achieve our goals together. Go to TwincitiesWeightloss.com or call 1-844-2-FATBURN Then email me justice@IheartMedia.com and let me know your on your journey too! Plus, you have a chance a amazing prizes just for challenging me.